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Thursday, June 19, 2008

The threat of online security: How safe is our data?

Online security is any kind of protection when using the Internet. Online security is important because the Internet is not a safe place unless we have adequate protection against the many varieties of threats that exist in cyberspace. The best form of online security is to install software from security vendors. There are several levels of online security software, that includes antivirus, antispyware, and firewall components to a comprehensive online security suite that includes anti spam and anti phishing features.

However, there are also some threat of online security which include accidental actions, malicious attacks and online fraud.

Accidental actions contribute to a large number of computer security risks. This category encompasses problems arising from basic lack of knowledge about online security concepts and includes issues such as poor password choices, accidental business transactions, accidental disclosure, and outdated software.

Attacks that specifically aim to do harm are known as malicious attacks. They can be further broken down into attacks caused by malicious code and those caused by intentional misrepresentation. Some examples of malicious attacks is computer viruses, data theft, and Denial of Service (DOS) attacks. The most common form of malicious code is a computer virus which is a program of code that replicates by attaching copies of itself to other programs. Denial of service attacks is another form of malicious code, are carefully crafted and executed. Denial of Service Attacks are not new, but they are growing in difficulty. Traditional DOS attacks usually involve one computer attacking another, but the use of multiple computers in a highly organized attack is becoming increasingly common.

Online fraud is a broad term covering Internet transactions that involve falsified information. Identity theft is a major form of online fraud. Personal identity theft on the Internet is the newest form of fraud that has been witnessed in traditional settings for many years. For example, in traditional settings, thieves open credit card accounts with a victim's name, address and social security number, or bank accounts using false identification. In the online world, electronic commerce information can be intercepted as a result of vulnerabilities in computer security. Data theft is the term used to describe not only the theft of information but also unauthorized perusal or manipulation of private data.



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