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Sunday, June 29, 2008

Coporate Blogging

Corporate blogging

There are two types of corporate blogs: internal and external.
Internal Blogs
Internal corporate blogs are those accessible to company employees and usually available on company Intranets. Although the decision as to who can and cannot contribute to the blog is up to the company itself, a communal approach, where anybody may contribute, can be an effective way to encourage employee participation, a sense of community, high morale and other factors.
Allowing employees at every level to contribute to your corporate blog creates an open
atmosphere and can promote open discussion about corporate policies, direction, criticisms or

External Blogs
The other type of corporate blog is an external blog. Although the blog is maintained and
authored by corporate staff, it is viewable by anyone with Internet access. These can be used to
make company announcements, share viewpoints, respond to news articles or any number of
other communications. More importantly, utilizing a comment system allows an organization to
interact directly with its audience in meaningful ways.
Encourage Discussion Among Your Audience
Comments give your company instant feedback and can be used to measure of value for new products or services in your customers’ eyes. This interaction can also provide invaluable insight as to what your audience thinks, wants, needs or feels. Comment systems encourage discussion between visitors. The most successful blogs are those whose comment sections are much more active than the blog itself.
While there isn’t any professional communicator who would argue that getting a message to an audienceisn’t a success, blogs carry much more potential. Imagine the value of not just getting your message to your audience, but having such an impact on it that they consider and discuss it among themselves.Blogs can also be used to find and directly communicate with influencers within a company’s audience.Reaching opinion leaders and influencers has always been a goal of public relations and blogs allow communicators to do so much more easily than in the past.
Give Your Perspective
Corporate blogs are undeniably biased, but they also have several advantages. First, corporations have complete control over the content of the site. That isn’t to say that the blog should focus on corporate strengths and ignore controversies. As a matter of fact, blogs are fantastic opportunities to address issues and concerns from the company’s perspective. Providing timely, honest views about potentiallycontentious issues can have a dramatic effect on public opinion and adds to an organization’s credibility.
Increase Your Reach
External corporate blogs also come with the added advantage of increased traffic and search engine rankings. Frequent updates add credibility and encourage visitors to return, which will help keep your search engine rankings high. Another good idea is to create an RSS feed for your blog.RSS feeds automatically update users’ aggregators and alert them to new posts or bulletins on your blog.Essentially, rather than looking for new information, users have the information sent to them. As more people adopted the use of this technology, it is becoming increasingly important for companies to do the same in order to keep up with Internet trends.
Corporate blogs are powerful tools to reach your audiences. Several companies have already started utilizing blogs and if you plan on keeping your company competitive, a corporate blog is a must have communication channels.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

do u think that corporate blogging only have advantages and without disadvantages?